Problem gamblers are surrounded by triggers that lead them to relapse or prevent them from quitting in the first place. Sports betting and gambling ads on TV present one of the biggest challenges, which is why Kindbridge has provided a guide for how to navigate around them. However, there’s another vessel of temptation that those who are trying to abstain may not be prepared to for – celebrity sports bettors. There are famous actors, athletes, musicians, and figureheads that millions of people follow on social media who promote the sports betting side hustle lifestyle. In doing so, these influencers influence impressionable audiences (namely young Americans) and trigger vulnerable individuals (yourself included) to dive further down the hole of debt and despair. We encourage you to add these celebrities to your list of triggers to avoid by unfollowing their every move on social media. Below are the top five violators to get you started.
5 Celebrity Social Media Profiles Problem Gamblers Must Block and Unfollow to Avoid Temptation
146 Million Instagram Followers

America’s beloved hip hop star (from Ontario) is not only celebrated for making big wagers on sports, Drake (@champagnepapi) blatantly promotes doing so to his audience, which is comprised mostly of 18-34 year olds. This is the exact same demographic that is the most susceptible to gambling marketing. Moreover, a key segment within this group leads the nation in problem gambling helpline calls:

What’s in it for the rap mogul, besides being a braggadocio? Drake has a stake in Stake, an online sportsbook and casino. Consequently, he bombards his 146 million Instagram followers with Posts, Reels, and Stories that encourage them to gamble. Drake should take stock of who his followers are, millions of which are not of legal age to gamble, and be more responsible. If you are a part America’s vulnerable population hit that Unfollow button on Drake’s Instagram. Parents should also ask that their teenagers follow suit.
Mattress Mack
81K Instagram Followers

James Franklin McIngvale, also known as Mattress Mack (@mattressmackofficial), is a furniture mogul who has gained celebrity status because of the media’s irresponsible celebration of his multimillion dollar wagers on collegiate and professional sports. Mack’s Instagram feed is an odd potpourri that features discounted furniture promotions, his schmoozing with famous athletes, and high-dollar wagers on NCAA football, March Madness, the NFL Super Bowl, and the like.
In addition to avoiding the temptation to buy a box spring you don’t need, blocking Mattress Mack will reduce your exposure to dangerous gambling triggers. It’s time to go to the mattresses on Mattress Mack’s social networks.
Dana White
9 Million Instagram Followers
The UFC’s Dana White (@danawhite) has referred to himself as a “degenerate gambler”, but not to serve as the protagonist in a cautionary tale for problem gamblers. Instead, onlookers may infer that he wears the disparaging term as a badge of honor, particularly on social media where he shares his gambling ways.

Dana White at the table with his son (courtesy of
Floyd Mayweather
29.7 Million Instagram Followers

Prior to Drake taking the throne for being a celebrity who promotes the gambling lifestyle to his fanbase, Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) was the king. Even before sports betting became legal in the United States in 2018 he bragged on social media about his wagers on major sporting events. To this day he continues to share photos of betting tickets as if they were sunsets and double-rainbows. TKO Mayweather’s social presence from your periphery today.
50 Cent
31 Million Instagram Followers
Speaking of Floyd MayWeather, his known nemesis 50 Cent (@50cent) also has a penchant for promoting his sports betting antics, making him another celeb that problem gamblers should steer clear from. While his half-million dollar wagers on the NFL are “small” compared the likes of Drake and Mattress Mack, it seems that 50 is passing his passion for betting on to the next generation. He recently shared a post about his 11-year old son negotiating the terms of a free throw bet while already being $500 debt to his opponent.
Making light of a minor gambling for more than marbles? Cash out as a follower of 50 Cent from hereon in.
Instead of the above celebrity sports bettors, follow Kindbridge Behavioral Health so that your Instagram feed is full of content that will guide you towards a healthier life.
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