Free Online Mental Health Screening
Concerned about your mental health? Take a quick online mental health screening and learn about your wellbeing.
There are several types of screening tests available for individuals to take that are designed to evaluate specific conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, Problem Gaming or Gambling. Screening tests are a great first step towards learning more about the assessment process and a quick way to check in on your mental health.
Take a no-risk assessment to learn more about the process, and to check in on your mental health.
Get started by using our simple screening tools
Couples Counseling
Mental health can be the greatest determinant of whether a relationship will last. If you are living in a relationship that is experiencing high levels of conflict, past trauma, behavioral addictions, or a mood disorder such as anxiety or depression, or have a family member who appears to be struggling with a mental health challenge, the first thing to know is that you are not alone.
Problem Gaming
Problem Gambling
Problem Trading
Anger Management
Stress Management
Family Counseling
Watch: Demystifying Therapy: Guide to treatment and why it works.
Many individuals are afraid of seeking help, and what it all means when they do. What am I admitting to? Will it work? What if I am a lost cause? But therapy is truly about uncovering the root cause of a problem, and taking steps towards regaining control of your life.