How Much is Sex Addiction Rehab?

Your preoccupation with sex and compulsive sexual behavior is having such a negative impact on your life that it’s causing harm not just to yourself, but those you care about. Having tried to abstain unsuccessfully on your own, you have come to terms with the fact that you need help. We applaud you for recognizing the necessity as this first step is generally the hardest of all hurdles. That being said, you have questions about what the investment will look like, and whether or not affordable solutions come at the expense of effectiveness.

So how much is sex addiction rehab that actually works? As America’s foremost provider of treatment for hypersexuality issues, Kindbridge has made available a variety of effective virtual (online and telehealth) rehabilitation solutions that suit those in varying financial positions. Read ahead to select the option/s that suit you best.

What it Costs for Effective Online and Telehealth Treatment for Sex Addiction in the USA

Financial Cost of Living with Sex Addiction

How Much is Sex Addiction Rehab

You’re here, which means that you are already familiar with the signs and symptoms of sex addiction. At least the ones that have negatively impacted your life. However, it’s important to delineate the already-palpable or potential financial consequences of compulsive sexual behavior because it will help you realize that the cost of rehab is nothing compared to the fiscal burden of persisting without intervention.

Research shows that approximately 60% of sex addicts face financial difficulty due to their compulsion. Financial loss is commonly sustained due to the following events that often occur with sex addiction:

  • Cost separation and divorce.
  • Loss of income from compromised focus on one’s career and/or business opportunities.
  • Cost of soliciting sex workers to fulfill insatiable need for intercourse and related sexual activities.
  • Cost of virtual sex subscriptions and services such as OnlyFans, where individuals have lost well over $100,000 to virtual partners.
  • Costly of legal representation related to possible sex-related crimes (solicitation of prostitutes, et cetera).

Whether you’ve already noticed a financial toll, or it has yet to come, it is clear that “How much is sex addiction rehab?” is not the real question. Instead, we ask; can you afford not to get treatment?

Is Sex Addiction Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Sex addiction rehab is more affordable than you may think. It is not uncommon for 60 to 80% of the cost to be reimbursable under private and/or workplace insurance plans. It may be covered under inclusion in mental health therapy services, neither of which will be made visible to employers (where applicable). Insurance providers that may cover sex addiction treatment and provide for direct billing through Kindbridge is found below (click/tap logos to view more):

How Much is Sex Addiction Rehab

Individual Cost of Online Sex Addiction Treatment

$165 per Session (without subscription)

Individual one-on-one therapy for sex addiction with a Kindbridge counselor is $165 per session. Your first session will include an assessment which will determine whether your compulsive sexual behavior is mild, moderate, severe, and/or connected to other underlying mental health concerns. Once the assessment has been completed, your rehabilitation can begin, at a very affordable investment of just $165 per 60-minute session. Learn more about private sex addiction therapy.

$349 per Month Subscription

Our Essential Care subscription offers everything detailed in the single session discussed above, but features two 60-minute sessions per month.

$499 per Month Subscription

Our Advanced Care subscription offers everything detailed in the single session discussed above, but provides four 60-minute sessions per month in addition to four specialized weekly hour-long group therapy sessions per month. This premium option is ideal for those who suffer from more severe sex addiction and/or cooccurring issues.

Couples Cost of Online Sex Addiction Treatment

$250 per Session (without subscription)

Sex addiction typically impacts more than the individual struggling with compulsive behavior. Committed parters, companions, or spouses involved (as applicable) are likely willing to undergo an assessment and attend ongoing therapy as well. They may also be able to help cover the cost of treatment. Single session couples counseling is available at a very affordable investment of just $250 per 60-minute session. Learn more about couples counseling at Kindbridge.

$499 per Month Subscription (rate covers both partners)

Our Essential Care subscription for couples offers everything detailed in the single session discussed above, but provides two 60-minute sessions per month.

$649 per Month Subscription (rate covers both partners)

Our Advanced Care subscription for couples offers everything detailed in the single session discussed above, but provides four 60-minute sessions per month in addition to four specialized weekly hour-long group therapy sessions per month.

Recovery Coaching Subscription: $240 Bi-Monthly

Coaching sessions are aimed at teaching individuals specific skills and coping strategies for managing compulsive sexual behavior. This package includes two one-hour coaching sessions per month and four specialized weekly group sessions per month.

Coaching (non-subscription): $125 per Session

Group Therapy for Sex Addiction

$75 per Session (without subscription)

Group Therapy focuses on the communal aspect of counseling. The weekly one-hour group counseling sessions serve as a supportive network for individuals to share, learn, and grow amidst others experiencing similarly complicated relationships with sex. Single one-hour sessions are an ideal way to experience how therapy sessions are conducted.

$199 per Month Subscription

Our Group Therapy subscription gives participants the benefits of consistent communal counseling on a weekly basis. This package allows for more immersive learning and relationship building, providing an encouraging atmosphere where participants can share in each others progress and successes in the effort to overcome sex addiction. This package includes four one-hour group sessions per month.


Problematic use of pornography is often associated with sex addiction. While your Kindbridge counselor will consider this along with other cooccurring issues in your treatment plan, we encourage you to explore the resources below as they may apply to your struggles. These include a highly effective self-help course that will complement your counseling strategy.

About our self-help course for porn addiction

  • $24.99
  • 3 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Invest in yourself by committing to sex addiction rehab today. It will pay for itself by alleviating the financial, professional, social, and familial burden it has had on your life. Connect to Kindbridge via the contacts provided below to get started.

Email [email protected]


CALL +1 (877) 426-4258
How Much is Sex Addiction Rehab Online