Taking a break from gambling?

Get the support you need now.

Free Self-Exclusion Support for Citizens of Colorado

Has your relationship with casino gaming or sports betting become unhealthy? Whether you are here to take a break or outright quit, you can use a helping hand to get your life back on track.

Courtesy of the Colorado Responsible Gaming Grant Program, all Colorado citizens are granted access to free mental health services through Kindbridge.

It's convenient, fast and accessible anywhere you have an online connection. 

Your no-cost benefits include:

  • A brief check-in with a mental health professional to learn about your needs.
  • A comprehensive mental health assessment to help you understand your personal mental health status.
  • A formal care plan tailored to your needs designed by you and your care provider.
  • Safe, Non-judgemental 1-on-1 Counseling or Performance Coaching Sessions with a therapist.
  • Access to Support Groups at no additional cost. Build relationships and learn from others with shared experiences.

Connect with a team member at Kindbridge in as little as 24 hours. Schedule an initial screening call today.

Book an Appointment

Take a formal break from Gambling now by Self-Excluding

Self Exclusion in Colorado is easy to do and is safely managed by the State. Click the link below to learn more.

Learn More

Join a Peer Support Group

Connect with others in a safe space who have shared experiences. It’s nonjudgemental, confidential and free.

Register Now

Free Protection for all of your devices with Gamban

Colorado residents who self-exclude get full access to the Gamban app for free on all of their devices.

Visit google play store
Visit app store

Take a Mental Health Quiz

Taking a self-evaluation quiz is a great way to discover where you stand regarding a gambling habit and other related concerns. Select one or more to learn more.

phone therapy

Feel like you can’t
stop gambling or sports betting?

We can help. We’ve got the expertise to help you break the cycle, and establish healthier habits and relationships.

Watch Demystifying Therapy: A Guide to Treatment and Why it Works.

Many individuals are tentative about seeking help and what it all means when they do. Will it work? What if I am a lost cause? But therapy is truly about uncovering the root cause of a problem and taking steps towards regaining control of your life.

Learn: How to Stop Gambling and Get Out of Debt

Did you know that 23 million Americans are in debt due to gambling? The average is a whopping $55,000 per person. But there is hope. Here are 5 effective steps towards getting out of debt due to gambling.

Learn More

Getting help is fast and easy