At Kindbridge, we make it our duty to recognize the many ways Americans are inquiring about help for problem gambling. In doing so, we can ensure that we’re there to intercept them and provide the assistance they need. We have identified that thousands of individuals across the United States are online and searching “gambling at work“. This query infers that the inquirer (you) recognizes that there may be an issue, and if so, desires guidance. Below we take a look at what the motivating factors of your query may be, along with corrective courses of action.
3 Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Gambling at Work
What is Your Motivation for Gambling at Work?
Are you doing it out of boredom? If so, it’s important to understand how participating in the activity when bored can be a gateway to a deeper problem. Gambling can raise your dopamine levels. When your brain and body become accustomed to the psychological and physiological response of gambling out of boredom, habitual behavior can form. Learn more about how boredom can be a gateway to gambling disorder, and from here on in take on additional tasks to keep yourself occupied.
Are you doing it because gambling at home raises concern from your spouse, companion, and/or other members of your household? If so, that’s telling you something. If you feel that you need to hide gambling from those who care about you, then it’s time to speak to a specialist in a safe nonjudgmental environment.
Can’t Stop
You recognize that you should not be gambling at work. However, time and time again you find yourself placing wagers from an online casino and/or sports betting app. Simply put, you can’t stop gambling. Instead of being bogged down in self-reproach, we ask that you understand that there are underlying factors that may be making you gamble at work. These include the following:
- Genetic Factors
- Psychological Factors
- Gender Factors
- Age Factors
- Personality Factors
- Social Factors
Click here learn more about why you can’t stop gambling.
Has the Company Created a Culture of Gambling Behavior?
The modern workplace looks a lot different than it used to, as companies attempt to foster an environment that is not just productive but fun. The former can positively impact the latter, but it can also backfire (more on this below). Given the risk involved, gambling is not something that should be included in the corporate culture, and yet is in so many ways. Does your office organize an NFL Fantasy League or Super Bowl prize money pool? Does it pass around an NCAA March Madness bracket as the tournament approaches each year? These (and more) are triggers for problem gamblers.
If you’re concerned that this corporate culture is putting you (or a peer or subordinate) at risk, proactive measures need to be taken. If comfortable in doing so, discuss the concern with HR and or a superior that you trust to be nonjudgmental. You may also reach out anonymously if concerned about being labelled a whistleblower. Provide decision makers with this guide to creating a Gambling in the Workplace Policy. If there’s initial resistance, offer information about How Gambling Negatively Affects Workplace Productivity.
Are You in Violation of a Workplace Policy?
Conversely (as per above) there may already be a policy against gambling at work. For instance, accessing online gambling sites/apps from both company provided and BYOD devices may be outright banned along with pornography sites and those promoting hate. The latter two are typically “obvious” and are therefore not communicated to staff. Online gambling may be looped into that category. If you (and others) knew that online casino gaming and sports betting was a violation of an existing workplace policy, you may have the motivation you need to stop gambling at work. Review the existing workplace policy to find out.
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